CE Approach
Widening Mutually Beneficial Knowledge Exchange
Strengthening Diversification of CE in All We Do
Embedding CE in the governance, operations, curricula, plans, policies and University Life. We embrace the diversity of the community impacted by the purpose, process, and outcomes by striving to use engagement methods that are inclusive and accessible; making efforts to reach out to marginalized communities to enable them to participate in a meaningful way.
Articulating CE Mission through Reflections
Creating Engaged Research through Partnerships
Widening Mutually Beneficial Knowledge Exchange Mutual exchange of knowledge and expertise between UTM and their communities.
Mutual exchange of knowledge and expertise between UTM and their communities.
Producing Graduates with High Employ-ability Skills
Designing programs aimed at identifying how and to what extent the community engagement key principles and core competencies are embedded in the learning curriculum of the university. Graduates with the basic knowledge, skills, and experiences are expected to become highly ethical and engaged citizens.