Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johari Surif
Director of Centre for Community & Industry Network (CCIN) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Welcome to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Centre for Community and Industry Network (CCIN)
Our mission is to enhance university-community-industry collaborations by engaging the University’s academic resources in the enrichment of civic and community life in Malaysia. We seek to accomplish this by connecting students, faculty, and community organizations together in a collaborative and innovative process that translates academic knowledge into civic responsibility to promote positive social change.
Our established tagline in CCIN is,
“Engaging Towards a Better Future”
UTM is an innovation-driven Entrepreneurial Research university in engineering, science and technology situated in a strategic part of Kuala Lumpur and Iskandar Malaysia economic corridor, Johor Baharu. It is an opportunity for UTM to build close ties with the industries, and together develop the community and nation.
The effort is also in line with the government’s vision in the Malaysian Education Blueprint which promotes linkages and knowledge transfer across all sectors of government, industry, academia and society. We are aspired to create holistic, entrepreneurial and balanced human capital in this harmonized innovation ecosystem. We work together not only on talent development but also through innovation such as solving industrial problems and introducing new technology to the industries.
As such, UTM has always been keen on improving cooperation with the community and industry through an coomunity-industry-friendly environment. We encourage the community and industry to visit us, collaborate, share and grow with us. To date, UTM has hundreds of agency-industry partners involved in various networks at home and abroad. We celebrate each and every partner no matter how big or how small you are.
We hope you will visit our website often to learn more about events, opportunities and possible collaborations to help the communities around us.