Project Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Chew Tin

Location (Rural) : Kampung Air Papan, Mersing, Johor

External Stakeholders: Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal, Felda, SWM, MARDI, Sime Darby, Pejabat Daerah Mersing, Johor

Proposed Solutions:

a) Construct a composing plant where agriculture waste and food waste will be converted to bio-fertilizer for application in the paddy field

b) The composting technology relies on open windrow composting system that involved low capital and operating costs

c) Applying effective microbial inoculant isolated from the nature environment to enhance the effectiveness of the bio-fertilizer.

Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

DVCRI Profile Johor Bahru Office Kuala Lumpur Office

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

Research Institute

Centre of Excellence (COE)

Institute of High Voltage & High Current - IVAT UTM-MPRC Institue for Oil & Gas - IFOG Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics - CAIRO Centre for Engineering Education - CEE Centre for Advanced Composite Materials - CACM Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing - ICA Institute of Bioproduct Development - IBD

Service Entity

Research Management Centre - RMC Penerbit UTM Press Centre for Community & Industry Network - CCIN Innovation & Commercialisation Centre - ICC University Laboratory Management Centre - PPMU Institut Sultan Iskandar - UTM-ISI

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